This article will document how to embed Wistia videos on your Base site (note: before you can do anything in Base, you'll need to have the Wistia video embed code). If you have any follow-up questions, please contact the Digital Tech team at

Before the step-by-step instructions are listed out, the reason this article is being created is because if you try to embed a Wistia video like any YouTube or Vimeo video, a massive white space displays above the Video like you see in the screen shot below. So this article provides the steps to get around this so your Wistia video displays without any issues.  


1. Create a new post in Base via the "Video" template, and fill in the "Name," "SEO Title" etc. fields like you would on any regular Video post:

2. Copy your Wistia video embed code and paste it into a Notepad doc (or even a Word doc will work). Delete the 2 code snippets highlighted below (i.e. "<div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;" AND "</div>" at the end of the code)

3. Copy that revised code and unlike normal Video posts, DO NOT embed the video code in the "Embed" field within the "Details" section. Instead, embed the video code directly at the top of the "Code View" section of the WYSIWYG. Hit Save.

4.  Check Preview mode to ensure your Wistia video is displaying as expected. If everything looks good like the screen shot below, hit publish and you're good-to-go! Again, if you run into any issues at all, please contact