Are newsletter deployment lists set at the time of newsletter creation, or deployment?
Newsletter lists should be as recent/fresh as possible.  We have a lot of dailies and it’s critical opt-ins start receiving their first issue with the next ...
Mon, 2 Mar, 2020 at 11:10 AM
How does newsletter content get placed in a specific spot?
    There are two ways to sort content in a newsletter:   1. Sequencing - By default, content will have a sequence of 0.  If manually set, content will ...
Mon, 2 Mar, 2020 at 11:45 AM
What are specs for in-banner videos?
  What is the video size limit for in-banner links? 15-30 seconds.  The client is required to build the tags and send them to us for this ad.     Abi...
Mon, 2 Mar, 2020 at 12:27 PM
How do you get content to appear in the persistent left rail of legacy Informa sites?
To get content to appear in the left rail, it has to be one of these content types: "Recent" section: Articles Media Gallery  Video &...
Wed, 4 Mar, 2020 at 11:23 AM
How do I set up a new newsletter?
Launching a new newsletter involves teams from content, marketing, audience development, sales, and development. Please begin by copying this spreadshee...
Fri, 6 Mar, 2020 at 10:14 AM
Where should digital ad materials be sent?
Customers that are submitting creative to the ad team, or have questions for the ad team, should use this email address: webtraffic@endeaborb2b.com  Th...
Fri, 6 Mar, 2020 at 1:46 PM
How to find an RSS feed on a Base site
RSS feeds are generated for all sections of your Base site. The RSS feed will list the most recently published content in that section.    URL structure: ...
Wed, 22 Apr, 2020 at 4:03 PM
What embeddable content types are supported in Base articles?
As of May 2020, content from these sites/services can be embedded into Base articles: CollegeHumor Flickr Hulu Instagram Kickstarter MixCloud SoundC...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 11:32 AM
How to embed YouTube video into Base articles
If you try to embed a YouTube video into an article, and it doesn't appear, it might be because you're using the shortened YouTube URL. Try replacin...
Fri, 15 May, 2020 at 10:56 AM